In the morning of 25 June 2018, the opening ceremony for the joint events of CLIVAR-FIO Summer School and the eighth ODC training course was successfully held in Qingdao, China. Mr.Feng Jun, deputy director of international organization division of State Oceanic Administration, Mr.Zhu Wenxi, head of UNESCO-IOC Sub-Commission for Western Pacific (WESTPAC), Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong, vice chair of UNESCO/IOC, Dr.Fangli Qiao, director of ODC center, vice chair of WESTPAC and secretary general of the FIO (The First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China), Prof. Detlef Stammer from University of Hamburg, Dr. Svetlana Jevrejeva from the National Oceanography Center, Dr. Karina von Schuckmann from Mercator Ocean in Toulouse and all the trainees attended this ceremony. During these two weeks, there were 14 famous experts from Australia, France, German, Italy, UK and China would give lectures and 48 trainees from 34 countries would attend these courses. Besides the regular courses, the trainee reports, group discussion and group reports in previous ODC training courses would be continuously carried out to promote active exchanges and cooperation among the trainees.
In the first week (25-30 June 2018), the first CLIVAR-FIO Summer School on Past, Present and Future Sea Level Changes would be held. The course would cover a wide range of the main physical processes of global and regional sea level rise and variability from observations to modeling. This summer school was jointly initiated by CLIVAR (Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change) and FIO, and its objective was to build a platform to foster international joint research among lectures and trainees, and to provide opportunities of exchanging visiting scholars and doctoral education.
The eighth ODC training course on Ocean Forecast System would be held in the second week during 2-7 July 2018. The training course would cover regional ocean forecast systems (OFS) from ocean data assimilation, wave, tide and circulation forecast models in regional and coastal regions, to practice of regional OFS and interpretation of numerical results. UNESCO/IOC Regional Training and Research Center on Ocean Dynamics and Climate (ODC) is the first Regional Training and Research Center under the framework of IOC and hosted by FIO. This center aims to promote the international cooperation and exchange on ocean dynamics, air-sea interactions, climate change and numerical modeling among the Western Pacific countries. Through regular training course and joint research, the ODC center attempts to promote the understanding of the role of ocean in climate change and to enhance the regional research capability on ocean and climate change among the developing member states of IOC in the Western Pacific through organizing annual training courses and international academic seminars. Other news links: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The first CLIVAR-FIO Summer School and the eighth ODC training Course was successfully opened in Qingdao
Date: 2018-06-25 13:15 Author: admin Clicks: